Perth Pools Help Health-conscious People Keep in Great Shape
Pools in Perth can be a costly investment, however, the benefits far outweigh the price. The
advantages certainly go beyond simply having a convenient summer spot to relax in your backyard.
Swimming offers tangible benefits when done regularly. Forever Sports outlines some of the aquatic
activity’s outstanding perks to physical health:
Here’s the expert view from instructor Julia Wilson: “Swimming uses almost all the major
muscle groups, so this makes it a very beneficial exercise to do alongside other sports.
Whether your main sport is boxing or football, swimming will help build the overall muscle
groups you use most.“All four swimming strokes – front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke and butterfly – use muscles
from the upper limbs, neck, front trunk, back trunk, lower trunk and lower limbs. Remember
that swimming also builds core body strength, because you need good technique to move
through the water efficiently, and that means using your hip, back and abdominal muscles.”
The exercise your muscles receive from swimming is just the beginning. Swimming is a low-impact
exercise with no ground impact since you’re in the water, producing minimal stress or strain on the
joints. Swimming has also been found to be a perfect cardiovascular exercise, working the heart and
lungs while increasing the body’s endurance at the same time.
If swimming can be integrated as part of your exercise and fitness routine, why not consider having a
pool in your own backyard? Take note that pool installation can take a while and you may have to wait
before you can start splashing around and enjoying it – although installing a fibreglass pool from the
Team at Palm City Pools can be installed relatively quickly. Part of the delay includes the wait until
permission to build is granted from your local government.
You’ll have to do some planning before anything else. Questions like how much of your yard will the
pool take up or what type of pool to go for, as well as additional amenities, such as a lounge area
should be decided beforehand. Once the plan is clear, you’ll need to scout around for a reliable builder
and ask for a price quote. You can get affordable inground swimming pool prices, including
secondhand fibreglass pools from local contractors, such as Palm City Pools. Make sure you know
how the materials and services are priced, that is, if the quotation provided is inclusive of excavation
and concreting, as well as tiling, plumbing, lighting, and others.
When you’ve finalized your plans and lined up a builder, you’ll still need to get permission from your
local council. This is to ensure that your pool won’t negatively impact the neighbourhood by
compromising the soil quality or having the pool area extending into neighbouring property. Your pool
contractor can help you with the current local requirements before the project begins.
(Source: Jump in the Pool, Forever Sports, March 12, 2014)